server 2 480x315 aaPanel
  • VPS aaPanel 4GB
  • $15/mo
  • 2x 2.2Ghz/ vCPU
    4GB DDR4 ECC
    50 SSD NVMe
    Unmetered bandwidth
    Link 10Gbps
    1 IPv4
server 2 480x315 aaPanel
  • VPS aaPanel 8GB
  • $30/mo
  • 4x 2.2Ghz/ vCPU
    8GB DDR4 ECC
    100 SSD NVMe
    Unmetered bandwidth
    Link 10Gbps
    1 IPv4
server 2 480x315 aaPanel
  • VPS aaPanel 12GB
  • $45/mo
  • 4x 2.2Ghz/ vCPU
    12GB DDR4 ECC
    150 SSD NVMe
    Unmetered bandwidth
    Link 10Gbps
    1 IPv4
server 2 480x315 aaPanel
  • VPS aaPanel 16GB
  • $55/mo
  • 4x 2.2Ghz/ vCPU
    16GB DDR4 ECC
    200 SSD NVMe
    Unmetered bandwidth
    Link 10Gbps
    1 IPv4
Why choose ServerSP?

Good reasons for you to stop looking and using our Cloud Server aaPanel

Cloud Server cPanel - certificado_ssl

Free SSL certificate

Absolutely Free SSL Certificate for all domains.

Cloud Server cPanel - acesso_ssh

SSH access

Root access to configure systems or applications

Cloud Server cPanel - php

Multiple PHP

You choose which version of PHP to use

aapanel logo


aaPanel installed with support

roundcube cwp

Roundcube Webmail

Clean and modern interface as a Webmail option in aaPanel

Cloud Server cPanel - nginx


Reverse caching proxy server for more performance on your websites

Cloud Server cPanel - maria-db


Create MariaDB (MySQL) databases with complete security


Miami Data Center

Get faster page loads and better visitor experience with state-of-the-art data centers.

Need more reasons?

Don’t worry about the settings
We deliver your aaPanel Cloud Server ready for you to host your websites

cloud server aapanel
  • aaPanel
  • NGINX, Apache e OpenLiteSpeed
  • MariaBD10 And MySQL (8, 5.6)
  • Memcached, Redis
  • PHP 8.X, 7.X, 5.X
  • Cron Jobs
  • ionCube Loader, Zend Optimizer
  • phpMyAdmin
  • WebMail RoundCube
  • Unlimited E-Mail Accounts
  • Unlimited FTP Accounts
  • Subdomains/Additional Domains/Unlimited Parked Domains
  • Nginx Firewall
Better Support, Speed and Security for your Sites

Provided by our team of Cloud Server experts aaPanel


Our support team has advanced experience in the hosting market. Since 2007 we have consistently worked to achieve 100% customer satisfaction rates.

Every Cloud Server aaPanel plan, in addition to releasing the ROOT password,we offer monitoring and management of your entire server. If any problems occur, our support team is notified and within 30 minutes a specialist will take action to correct the problem.

We can take care of everything, some examples: Manage firewall, malicious files (malware), sending SPAM, IP monitoring in blacklist, software updates and everything else that your Cloud Server aaPanel needs to have a proper functioning.

Cloud Server cPanel - suporte
SSL certificado

SSL certificate

In all plans, SSL Certificate is provided at no cost, the certificate is issued directly to the hosted domain.

The Cloud Server aaPanel is configured to auto install SSL Certificate on all new domains, and don’t worry about renewal, it’s all automatic!

Using an SSL Certificate from 2018 is essential to adapt to new regulations such as Google search or Chrome browser.

Top hardware with dedicated features

We only work with Intel Xeon and AMD EPYC servers. The storage system has an NVMe SSD in RAID to ensure speed (up to 40x faster compared to HDD) and security of your Cloud Server aaPanel. KVM virtualization secures and offers dedicated resources like CPU, memory and space.

Cloud Server cPanel - server_cloud

Autonomy with aaPanel

aaPanel is a very simple yet powerful hosting control panel, can manage server through GUI (Graphical User Interface). aaPanel provides one-click function to install LNMP/LAMP development environment and other software.

It is possible to manage websites, databases and accounts of FTP, DNS and emails, it also offers several types of servers: nginx, Apache, OpenLiteSpeed, MariaDB, MySQL, PHP Static / PHP-FPM (PHP 5-7 +) , Redis, Memcached.

Data Center

tierIII 2

Data Center Tier III

We offer VPS from the Digital Realty data center in Miami, with excellent connectivity to Latin America. Designed to withstand Category 5 hurricanes.

dual nic

2x 10Gb SPF+

Each server is connected to two 10 GB/s switches, ensuring a total bandwidth of 20 Gb/s and redundancy in case of switch failure.

infoIP for Testing

Servers in Miami – Florida

down test

Download Test

Please select the file size for the download test:


Partners and Suppliers
cpanel intel OVH nginx samsung cloudlinux cisco supermicro AMD

Questions about some feature, quality, values?

Get in touch with us, our team can answer any questions you may have!