DDOS Mitigation

Strengthen your infrastructure

It’s not a question of whether you need DDoS protection, but when you will be the first victim of an attack. ServerSP is committed to protecting your project 24/7 against any type of DDoS attack, regardless of duration or size.

What is anti-DDoS protection?

How a DDoS attack works:

services sans protection

The chances of being the target of a DDoS attack are high and the attempts are countless.

A DDoS attack aims to make a server, service or infrastructure available, overload the server’s bandwidth or monopolize its resources to the point of exhaustion.

During a DDoS attack, a multitude of requests are sent simultaneously from multiple points across the Internet. The intensity of this “crossfire” makes the service unstable, or even worse, unavailable.

What we offer to protect your services

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To protect your servers and services from attacks, ServerSP offers a mitigation solution based on VAC technology – a unique combination of techniques to:

Analyze all packages at high speed and in real time
Sniff incoming traffic from your server
Mitigatei.e. highlight all illegitimate IP packets, allowing legitimate ones to pass

Targets and types of attacks


There are three ways to make your website, server or infrastructure unavailable:

Bandwidth: this type of attack consists of saturating the server’s network capacity, which makes it inaccessible.
Resources: this type of attack consists of exhausting the machine’s system resources, which prevents it from responding to legitimate requests.
Software Flaw Exploitation: Also called “exploit”, this type of attack targets a specific software flaw either to make the machine unavailable or to take control of it.