We design, build and operate our own data centers. Every component is carefully selected, every step to build is carefully evaluated – from our site selection to the choice of hardware components, each one is evaluated to solve the next generation of challenges. We work closely with our technology vendors to address stability, performance and efficiency. We have 30 global data centers… and many more to come.

data center ovh
Data Center around the world
data center ovh serversp
Photos - Data Center
data center OVH ServerSP
data center OVH ServerSP 2
data center ovh 8
data center OVH ServerSP
data center OVH ServerSP
data center ovh 1
High Availability Infrastructures
  • Double power supply in all installations;
  • 250KVA inverters
  • Generators with 48h autonomy ;
  • Data Centers with 2 mains connections (minimum) and 2 “twin” routing rooms to ensure constant operation.
  • Advanced network capabilities: connection over 10Gb and 40GB on main network.
data center serversp geradores